Call For Wine Entries!
The Denver International Wine Competition's double-blind tasting will happen on June 29 & 30, 2024. The tasting is private and only open to our judges, staff, and select news media members. The Denver International Wine Competition is the premier international wine competition in the Rockies. Wines are tasted "blind" by our distinguished judges, including nationally known wine columnists, wine critics, retailers, food & beverage directors, wine industry members, and experienced sommeliers.
Entry Fee: $110.00
Bottles required: (750ml): 4 per entry
Cans required: 8 - 12 ounces (or equivalent ounces)
Online entry deadline: June 21, 2024
Sample delivery deadline: June 24, 2024
Wine Deliveries:
We must receive all wine samples at our Colorado location on or before June 24, 2024
Wineries & Distributors are encouraged to submit wines now! Wines received after the drop deadline date of June 24, 2024, WILL NOT QUALIFY for entry nor BE RETURNED.
Payment of Fees:
The competition uses the competition system. Entrants may pay their entry fees securely online at check out with a major credit card.
Ship your wine samples via UPS or FED EX Ground to:
Wine Country Network, Inc (DIWC)
390 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 350
Broomfield, CO 80021
Tel. 303-665-0855
International wine producers must have a US Importer to submit wines. The Denver International Wine Festival and its parent company are not licensed to import wines.
If you do not have a US importer, we can introduce you to a very reputable importer who can help you file for a COLA Waiver and FDA permit. This is required before you can ship your sample bottles. The process takes 10-14 days. Additional fees apply.
Since your wine submittals to the competition are not for sale, you must mark all cartons "NO CHARGE SAMPLES".
If your US importer is located outside of the state of Colorado, they can forward your wine entries via UPS or FED EX.
For questions, please email:

The 2024 Denver International Wine Competition is now set-up with